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Planet Detox

Carpet Fresh Powder

Regular price £7.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £7.00 GBP
Tax included.

The beautiful scent options for this powder linger in your home for days after use, making the household feel fresh and clean. The powder contains only safe ingredients but we advise that pets and children are kept away from the areas being treated until the powder has been vacuumed away.

Freshen and deodorise your carpets and scent your entire home.

Apply handfuls or spoonfuls liberally in broad strokes across your carpets, rugs, upholstery, mattresses and pet beds. Allow the powder to settle for as long as possible but a minimum of one hour, to allow the ingredients to work. Remove the powder by vacuuming the treated areas, sit back and enjoy the effects.

A 500g packet will treat up to 30 square metres.

Natural, biodegradable, vegan.
